New Testament Outline: Luke 22-24

Luke 22 — The chief priest and the scribes are looking for a way to arrest Jesus. Judas Iscariot goes to them and agrees to give Jesus up for some money. Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples and he institutes the Lord’s Supper. During the Lord’s Supper Jesus tells them that one of them will betray him. The disciples argue over who’s the greatest and Jesus teaches them that this is now how it works in the kingdom of God. Jesus tells Peter that Satan has demanded to sift him, but he has prayed for him. He disciples follow him to the Mount of Olives where Jesus prays in expectation of what’s about to happen. As he’s speaking to his disciples a crowd arrives with Judas to arrest him. Jesus is arrested and Peter denies that he knows him. He’s mocked and beaten by those holding him and he’s brought before the council to determine what he’s done.

Luke 23 — Jesus is brought before Pilate and Pilate asks him if he’s the King of the Jews. Pilate sends Jesus to Herod. Herod questions Jesus and the chief priests accuse Jesus of wrongdoing. Pilate says that he does not find Jesus guilty. The scribes, the chief priests, and the crowd all demand that Jesus be crucified. Jesus led away to be crucified and, as he’s going, he tells the women following him to weep for themselves and for their children. Jesus is crucified alongside two other criminals. One of them derides Jesus; the other says that Jesus is innocent. Jesus prays to the Father and dies. He is placed in a tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea.

Luke 24 — On the first day of the week the women go to the tomb with spices and they see that Jesus is no longer there. They tell the eleven disciples and they go to the tomb and see that Jesus is no longer there. That same day two disciples are walking on the road to Emmaus and Jesus comes alongside of them talking to them. Their hearts burn within them and they go back and tell the rest of the disciples that they talked and walked with Jesus. As they were talking about it Jesus stands among them, he eats a meal with them, and he reminds them that this all had to take place. Jesus leads them out as far as Bethany and ascends up into heaven.