New Testament Outline: John 1-4

John 1 — John begins his gospel describing the Word becoming flesh. In the beginning the Word existed, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John the Baptist is sent from God to bear witness. The Word becomes flesh and dwells with his people. John the Baptist denies being the Christ and points to Jesus as the lamb who takes away the sin of the world. Jesus calls some people to follow him.

John 2 — Jesus is at a wedding and his mother talks to him about being out of wine. He turns six stone water jars of water into wine. His disciples believe in him. During the Passover Jesus enters the temple and cleanses it of the money-changers and those selling things. Jesus says that he will destroy the temple and raise it up in three days. Many believe in Jesus.

John 3 — Nicodemus comes to Jesus at night. He and Jesus talk about what it means to be born again. Jesus* explains why he came into the world and the implications of his coming into the world for those who do and do not believe in him. A discussion takes place between John the Baptist and a certain Jew over purification and baptism. John defends what Jesus is doing and lifts him up.
*Some translations (for example, the ESV) think Jesus said John 3:16-21, others (for example, the NIV) think John 3:16-21 is John’s comment.

John 4 — Jesus passes through Samaria on his way to Galilee. At Sychar Jesus meets a woman from Samaria at a well. There he talks to her about her life and the living water that comes from him. The disciples question in their hearts about why Jesus was talking to a Samaritan woman. They urge Jesus to eat but he tells them that his food is to do the will of God. Many Samaritans in Sychar believe in Jesus because of the woman’s testimony. Jesus goes to Cana in Galilee and there heals an official’s son.