New Testament Outline: John 5-8

John 5 — Jesus goes to Jerusalem during the feast of the Jews. While there he heals a man by the Sheep Gate on the Sabbath. The Jews question the man who was healed and they understand Jesus to be saying that he’s equal with God. Jesus responds to them explaining that he does whatever his Father is doing. He also goes on to confront them about why they did not listen to those who had told them the truth in the Scriptures.

John 6 — Jesus feeds over five thousand people with five loaves and two fish. In the evening the disciples go out on the sea and there Jesus comes to them walking on the water. A crowd gets into a boat in order to search for Jesus. They find him and he teaches them that he’s the bread of life. The Jews get upset at hearing this and also his disciples struggle with this hard teaching. Jesus tells them that only those the Father has given him will come to him.

John 7 — Jesus goes around in Galilee but not Judea because they Jews are looking to kill him. In the middle of the Feast of Booths Jesus goes to the temple and teaches. Some of those who heard Jesus begin to wonder why the Jews aren’t doing anything to him if they intended to kill him. The Pharisees hear the conversation and send some officers to arrest Jesus. Jesus announces to the people that he is the source of living water. Some people are beginning to believe in him and others are not—a division is forming.
It does not appear that John 7:53-8:11 (“The Woman Caught in Adultery”) was original to the Gospel of John.

John 8 — Jesus again speaks to the Pharisees telling them that he is the light of the world. A number of the Jews believe in him and he tells them that the truth will set them free. In talking with them Jesus tells them that it doesn’t matter what their genealogy says; it matters how they live. They are either sons of Abraham or sons of the devil. The Jews say that Jesus has a demon. He responds in telling them that before Abraham existed he existed.