New Testament Outline: John 9-12

John 9 — After leaving the temple, Jesus walks by a man born blind. His disciples ask him if it was this man or his parent who sinned causing him to be born blind. Jesus heals the man. The Pharisees question the man who was healed and then they question Jesus.

John 10 — Jesus teaches the Pharisees explaining to them that he is the good shepherd. After hearing this from Jesus a division arises between the Jews and some say he has a demon. During the Feast of Dedication Jesus goes to the temple and teaches the he and the Father are one. Some follow Jesus and believe in him.

John 11 — Jesus’ friend Lazarus is sick. His sister, Mary, comes to Jesus to ask if he’d come and heal Lazarus. Jesus waited before going to see Lazarus. Lazarus dies and Martha asks tells Jesus if he’d been there earlier Lazarus would not have died. Jesus weeps over Lazarus. He then goes to his tomb and brings him back to life. Many Jews who saw what Jesus did, put together plans to arrest and kill Jesus.

John 12 — Six days before the Passover Jesus goes to Bethany and there Mary anoints him for his burial. The chief priests put together plans to kill Lazarus. A large crowd gathers in Jerusalem to welcome Jesus. As Jesus comes into Jerusalem the crowd cries out after him. Some Greeks come to Philip and tell him that they want to see Jesus. Jesus tells them that he must die. He also tells them that, after dying, he must be lifted up in glory so that others may be lifted up. Even though the people heard him speaking they did not believe what he was saying. Jesus says that he has come to save the world and he is doing this under the authority of the Father.