New Testament Outline: John 13-16

John 13 — During supper before the Feast of the Passover Jesus knows that his hour has come and he washes his disciples’ feet. Peter objects but Jesus corrects him. He then explains why he washed their feet and what it means for their teacher to have done this for them. Jesus says that one of them will betray him—Judas Iscariot. After Judas leaves Jesus gives the remaining disciples his new commandment—love one another. Peter objects at not being able to follow Jesus where he is going.

John 14 — Jesus reassures his disciples by reminding them to believe in God and to believe in him. He tells them that he is the way, and the truth, and the life, and that no one comes to the Father except through him. The disciples ask to see the Father and he tells them that they have seen him by being with Jesus. Jesus promises to give them the Holy Spirit after he’s gone. The Holy Spirit will teach them all things and bring to remembrance what he has said to them.

John 15 — Jesus says that he is the vine, his Father is the vinedresser, and his disciples are the branches. Those who do not produce fruit will be pruned. They must abide in him if they want to bear fruit. Jesus reminds them to love one another and he tells them that if they world hated him it will hate them as well.

John 16 — Jesus tells them that he taught them these things so they would not fall away. He teaches again on what the Holy Spirit will be doing—guiding them into all truth. Jesus says that in a little while they won’t see him and then in a little while they will. The disciples wonder at this and Jesus tells them that their sorrow will turn into joy. Jesus says that his hour is coming. He tells them that in the world they will have tribulation, but he has overcome the world, so they can take heart.