New Testament Outline: John 17-21

John 17 — Jesus prays in thankfulness to the Father for his impending glory, for the disciples whom the Father has given him, and the rest of those in the world who will believe in Jesus through the disciples.

John 18 — Judas betrays Jesus as soldiers and officers come to arrest him. Peter cuts off the ear of the high priest’s servant, but Jesus tells him to put the sword away. Jesus is taken to Annas and Caiaphas. Peter denies Jesus when questioned about his involvement with him. The high priest questions Jesus. Peter denies Jesus again and a rooster crows. Jesus is brought to Pilate and Pilate questions him about what he’s been doing. Pilate finds no guilt in Jesus but the crowd demands to have him release not Jesus, but Barabbas.

John 19 — Pilate has Jesus flogged and then crucified. Jesus is crucified at the Place of a Skull—Golgotha. The soldiers divide up his clothing and Jesus gives his mother to the Apostle John. Jesus dies on the cross and his side is pierced. Joseph of Arimathea asks to place Jesus in his tomb.

John 20 — On the first day of the week—Sunday—Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb and sees that the stone has been rolled away. She tells Peter and John and they run to the tomb and discover that Jesus was not there but they don’t understand. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene and she then tells the disciples that she’s seen him. In the evening Jesus appears to his disciples. Thomas was not there and does not believe that Jesus is alive again. Jesus appears to Thomas and Thomas believes. The Apostle John gives the reason for writing his gospel.

John 21 — Jesus appears to seven disciples while on a beach. He eats with them on the shore. Jesus speaks directly to Peter about loving Jesus. Jesus talks about the Apostle John and how long he will live. The Apostle John finishes his gospel by saying that if he were to of written down everything Jesus said and did there wouldn’t be enough books in the world to contain all that would be written.