New Testament Outline: Acts 1-4

Chapter 1

Luke begins this book by addressing Theophilus, the person he’s writing to, and explaining the reason for this book. Jesus orders the apostles to stay in Jerusalem until they are given the promised Holy Spirit. Jesus leaves the apostles by ascending into heaven. The apostles choose Matthias to replace Judas who betrayed Jesus and killed himself.

Chapter 2

During the day of Pentecost the apostles and others are all together in one place and they are all filled with the Holy Spirit. They speak in different languages and each one hears the other speaking in his or her language. Some there think they’re drunk but Peter stands up and teaches that the prophet Joel talked about this. Peter then goes on to teach about God, Israel, and Jesus. The believers are all together in one place devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, and to the breaking of bread.

Chapter 3

Peter and John are on their way to the temple to pray when a man lame from birth is being carried. The man sees Peter and John and asks them for alms. Peter and John both look directly at the man and Peter commands him to stand up and walk. The man they healed clings to Peter and then Peter teaches those at Solomon’s Portico about God and Jesus. 

Chapter 4

The priests, the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees arrest Peter and John. Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, speaks to the council and teaches them about God and Jesus. After speaking the council decides they cannot keep them from talking. They threaten them and then let them go. Peter and John go back to the other believers and tell them what happened. They pray. All the believers were together in heart and soul. They testified to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and they took care of each other so that no one was in need.