New Testament Outline: Acts 5-8

Chapter 5

Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, sell some property and give the money to the apostles, but they hold back some for themselves. Peter confronts Ananias and Sapphira about this and they both die. The apostles continue to do signs and wonders among the people. The apostles are arrested and then set free at night by an angel of the Lord. They continue to teach about Jesus. They’re beat and charged not to teach in the name of Jesus. They rejoice for being counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name of Jesus.

Chapter 6

The number of disciples is increasing and some are going without food. The apostles decide to appoint deacons to focus on the distribution. Stephen, one of the deacons, is arrested.

Chapter 7

Stephen speaks before the high priest. He goes through the Old Testament story up to Jesus. His speech culminates in the condemnation of those who have rejected the message of God. Those listening to him could not deal with what he was telling them so they stoned him.

Chapter 8

Saul approves of the stoning of Stephen. Philip preaches about Jesus in Samaria. Simon, a magician, believes in Jesus. Simon sees that the Holy Spirit is given through the laying on of the apostles’ hands and he offers money to be able to give the Holy Spirit. Peter rebukes his faulty thinking. Philip runs into an Ethiopian Eunuch reading the prophet Isaiah. The eunuch believes and is baptized.