Bible Reading

A Summer in the New Testament

What are your plans for this summer? More specifically, what are you plans for your Bible reading this summer?

May I suggest reading through the entire New Testament?

There are 260 chapters in the New Testament and 92 days in June, July, and August combined. Not including Sundays (there’s 13 of those), and setting aside four “Catch-Up” days, you could read through the whole New Testament in just 75-days by reading a little over 3 chapters a day.

Dwell Audio Bible - Free for 60 Days

Living Waters Church family:

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

One of the things we need most in times like these is to be reminded of the truest things in the world. Unfortunately, during times like these, the first thing we often neglect are those opportunities to be reminded of the truth, because we’re now having to live our lives and navigate our days in ways we’ve never done before. Spending time in Scripture just doesn’t seem like the most important or convenient thing to do. What I’d like to do is offer some help.

Bible Reading Plans are Servants

The best actors are those who disappear into the character they playing—think Meryl Streep or Daniel Day-Lewis. If you’re watching a movie and the main thing you see is not the character but the actor, that’s a problem. The same type of thing can be said for Bible reading plans.

The best Bible reading plans are those that disappear into the actual reading after a bit. The difference, however, between actors and reading plans is that if the actor doesn’t disappear into the character, it’s the actor’s fault; but, if the Bible reading plan doesn’t disappear into the actual Bible reading, it’s the reader’s fault.

A Bible Reading Option for 2020

Isn’t it amazing to think about the fact that you can open a Bible at home, on break at work, on your phone while your standing in line at the store and in that same moment be reading the very words of God?

What God has done for us with the Bible is not unlike what he did for us through the birth of Jesus. On Christmas we celebrate the truth that God stepped down into creation in the person of the Son. Matthew tells us that at that point in history God was “with us” like never before.