New Testament Outline: Matthew 19-21

Matthew 19 — Jesus leaves Galilee and goes to Judea and then speaks to some Pharisees about divorce. A rich young man comes to Jesus to speak to him about what he must do to get eternal life. Jesus teaches on eternal life in relation to riches during this life.

Matthew 20 — Jesus tells the parable of the laborers in the vineyard. On the way to Jerusalem Jesus tells his disciples for a third time that he must be killed and then he will rise from the dead on third day. Jesus teaches his disciples about their standing in the kingdom of God. On the way to Jericho Jesus heals two blind men that were crying after him.

Matthew 21 — Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey as those watching shouted in praise. Then Jesus enters the temple and drives out all those who had disgraced the temple. In the morning Jesus curses a fig tree and teaches his disciples about prayer. Jesus enters the temple again and the chief priests and elders question his authority. In response to their questioning Jesus tells the parable of the two sons, and the parable of the tenants.