New Testament Outline: Matthew 22-24

Matthew 22 — Jesus tells the parable of the wedding feast. After the Pharisees left to plot against Jesus, they send their disciples to ask him about paying taxes to Caesar. Later that same day the Sadducees ask Jesus about the resurrection. Jesus tells them they don’t know the Scriptures or the power of God. After the Pharisees hear that Jesus silenced the Sadducees they come to him and ask him about the great commandment. After, Jesus asks them who the Christ is.

Matthew 23 — Jesus pronounces seven “woes” on the scribes and Pharisees. He tells them they tie up heavy burdens for people, they shut the kingdom of God in people’s faces, they teach wrongly about the temple, they only pay attention to the parts of the Law they like, they make sure they look good even though they’re dead inside, and they kill the prophets sent to them. Jesus then laments over Jerusalem.

Matthew 24 — Jesus leaves the temple and tells his disciples that it will be destroyed. At the Mount of Olives Jesus talks to his disciples privately about the end of the age and what will take place. Jesus continues that the Son of Man will come on the clouds of heaven. He then reminds them of the fig tree that he cursed. Then Jesus tells his disciples that no one knows the hour of his return.