New Testament Outline: Matthew 17-18

Matthew 17 — Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up on a mountain and is transfigured before them. Jesus told them not to tell anyone about what they saw until he’s raised from the dead. Jesus and his disciples come to a crowd and heal a boy with a demon. Jesus again talks about his impending death and resurrection. The disciples and Jesus come to Capernaum and Jesus has a conversation about the temple tax. He tells Peter to catch a fish and pay the tax with the coin in the fish’s mouth.

Matthew 18 — The disciples come to Jesus and talk to him about who’s the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus speaks to them about the sinful world and temptations to sin. Jesus then tells the parable of the lost sheep. Following that Jesus speaks to his disciples about how to deal with sin that a brother commits against them. Peter asks Jesus how many times he ought to forgive his brother and then Jesus tells the parable of the unforgiving servant.