New Testament Outline: Luke 7-9

Luke 7 — After preaching Jesus goes to Capernaum and there he heals a centurion’s servant. He goes to Nain and raises a widow’s son from death. John the Baptist’s disciples tell him all about what Jesus has been doing and John asks if Jesus is the one they’ve been waiting for. Jesus replies by quoting Isaiah. John’s disciples leave and Jesus speaks to the crowd asking them what they expected to see in coming to him. A Pharisee asks to eat with Jesus and Jesus goes to his house and there forgives a woman who is weeping over his feet.

Luke 8 — Jesus goes through the cities and villages preaching to the people and his disciples follow him along with some women who were healed of evil spirits. Jesus tells the parable of the sower, explains the purpose for parables, and then explains why no one lights a lamp and puts it under a jar. Jesus’s mother and brothers try to get to him, but Jesus says that those who hear and do what the word of God says are his mother and brothers. He and his disciples get into a boat and from the boat in the middle of a storm Jesus calms the storm. They sail to the Gerasenes and there a demon-possessed man cries out to Jesus for help. Jesus heals the man with a demon. Jesus and his disciples return and he heals both a woman who has been bleeding for along time and Jairus’s daughter.

Luke 9 — Jesus calls the twelve apostles together and sends them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. Herod the tetrarch hears about what’s going on with Jesus and assumes it was John the Baptist raised from the dead. The apostles return and tell Jesus all about what they did and he withdraws with them to Bethsaida. There Jesus feeds over five thousand people with five loaves and two fish. Jesus is praying alone and asks the disciples who the crowds say he is. Peter says he’s the Christ of God. Then Jesus tells them that he will be killed and if anyone wants to follow him they need to pick up their cross and do so. After about eight days Jesus takes Peter, John, and James up a mountain and is transfigured before them. The next day Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit and then tells the disciples again that he’s going to be killed. The disciples begin arguing about who’s the greatest. As the day of his crucifixion draws closer he makes a point to go to Jerusalem but the people do not receive him. Jesus makes clear the cost of following him.