New Testament Outline: Luke 4-6

Luke 4 — Jesus is led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Jesus stands up against this temptation. Jesus returns to Galilee in the power of the Spirit. He is rejected at Nazareth after reading and teaching in the synagogue. Jesus goes down to Capernaum to the synagogue and heals a man with an unclean demon. He leaves the synagogue and goes to Simon’s house and heals his mother-in-law and many others. Jesus says that he must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to other towns.

Luke 5 — Standing by the lake of Gennesaret Jesus calls Simon Peter, James and John the sons of Zebedee to follow him. A man with leprosy comes to Jesus asking to make him clean and Jesus cleanses him. Jesus heals a man who is lowered through a roof. He calls Levi—a tax collector—to follow him. The Pharisees and their scribes have a problem with Jesus eating and drinking with tax collectors and sinners. They ask Jesus why the disciples of John and the Pharisees fast but his disciples do not.

Luke 6 — On a Sabbath the Pharisees question Jesus about his disciples plucking and eating some heads of grain. Jesus teaches them about the Sabbath. On another Sabbath Jesus is teaching in a synagogue and some scribes and Pharisees try to catch him working. Jesus heals a man with a withered hand. Jesus goes to the mountain to pray and he chooses his twelve apostles. He returns from the mountain and preaches to a great multitude. He preaches the beatitudes, he pronounces woes upon the rich, those who are full now, those who laugh now, and those who have people say good things about them. In his preaching he teaches his hearers to love their enemies, to judge with right judgment, to recognize trees by their fruit, and to build their houses not upon sand, but upon the rock.