New Testament Outline: Matthew 5-8

Matthew 5 — The crowds gather and Jesus goes up on a mountain to preach. He begins the “Sermon on the Mount” with the “beatitudes”. Jesus then preaches on being salt and light and his work in fulfilling the law. Then Jesus begins a series of statements addressing what his hearers have heard and comparing that with what he says (anger, lust, divorce, retaliation, and love for enemies).

Matthew 6 — The “Sermon on the Mount” continues as Jesus preaches on giving to those who need, prayer, and fasting. Jesus then preaches about treasure, specifically what is valued and where it’s valued. He then preaches to the crowd about anxiety.

Matthew 7 — The “Sermon on the Mount” continues with Jesus preaching on judgement and how his listeners ought to judge. He preaches to them about asking God for what they need and how the law and the prophets are summed up in doing to others what we want them to do to us. In the concluding statements Jesus preaches on recognizing who people are by their fruit and warning his hearers that not everyone who calls him Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven. Finally, Jesus tells them that those who hear and do what he says are wise and will stand when the storms come. After hearing all this the crowds were astonished because of Jesus’ authority.

Matthew 8 — Jesus leaves the mountain and cleanses a leper then heals a centurion’s servant. Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law and many others who were demon possessed. Jesus makes clear the cost of following him. Jesus’ disciples get into a boat with him and Jesus calms a storm from the water. Jesus heals two demon possessed men and sends the demons into a herd of pigs and then the people plead for Jesus to leave their region.