
Hate Like God

If you’re going to hate, hate like God.

In preparation for 2025’s Exploring the Bible seminar on Reading, Understanding, and Responding to the BibleI was reading in the psalms and struck—as I have been in the past, but haven’t given as much time to it—by the way the psalmists talk about God hating not just things (like sin), but people. In particular, I was struck by this verse: “You hate all who do wrong.” (Ps 5:5, NIV)

Exegetical Meditations (21)

I don’t believe in coincidences; nor do I believe in “fate.” I believe in the sovereignty and providence of God over all things and all people. The reason for that is simply because of what I read in the Bible.

I’m required to make a rational decision: either see the world and my life as governed by coincidences and “fate” or (and this is a big OR) see the world and my life as governed by God.

Exegetical Meditations (20)

We use other people as examples and benchmarks for our lives all the time.

We consistently take a person, hold them up in front for everyone to see, and then say, “Here is how you ought to live.” And, to be honest, it’s not a bad idea if the person has their stuff together. It’s even (in at least some sense) biblical. Paul did that with Jesus and then with himself (1 Cor. 11:1).

What’s this have to do with Psalm 1?