New Testament Outline: Romans 5-8

Chapter 5

Paul writes reminding his readers that they have been justified through faith and so have peace with God through their Lord Jesus the Messiah. He tells them that when they were powerless Jesus died for them—the ungodly. While they were God’s enemies God reconciled them to him through the death of Jesus. Paul writes that sin entered through one man and death through sin, and death has come to everyone because everyone has sinned. Along with that Paul tells them that even though death came through one man, God’s grace and his gift came through one man—Jesus Christ.

Chapter 6

Paul rhetorically asks a question about sinning so God’s grace may increase. He answers that question in the negative pointing to the fact that those who have died to sin cannot live in it any longer. He tells them that they have been united with Jesus in a death like his and so will be united with him in a resurrection like his. Paul writes that if they have died with Jesus then they will live with Jesus. Paul makes it clear that those who are alive with Jesus are no longer slaves to sin, but slaves to righteousness.

Chapter 7

Paul writes that someone is only bound to the law for as long as the law remains. He tells them that they now live in the Spirit and not under the law. Paul clarifies his position that he does not think the law is sinful, but that sin was highlighted and aggravated by the law. Paul says that the law pointed out his sin and created a war within himself. In his mind he’s a slave to God’s law, but in his sinful nature he’s a slave to the law of sin.

Chapter 8

Paul writes that condemnation does not exist for those who are in Jesus because of the work Jesus has done and the life they have received through the Spirit. They may either live according to the flesh, which is death, or they may live according to the Spirit, which is life and peace. He tells them that those who believe in Jesus are obligated to live according to the Spirit. Paul says that their present sufferings do not compare with the later revealed glory in them. The entire creation is waiting for its redemption. He reminds them that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and who have been called according to his purpose. Paul tells them that God has foreknown, predestined, called, justified, and glorified his people. He then reminds them that since God is form them no one can be against them including death, life, angels, demons, the present, the future, powers, heights, depths, or any other created thing. Nothing can separate believers from the love of God in Jesus.