New Testament Outline: Mark 7-9

Mark 7 — The Pharisees and scribes question Jesus about not following the tradition of the elders. Jesus says that it’s not what goes into a person that makes him unclean; it’s what comes out of a person. Jesus goes to Tyre and Sidon and heals a gentile woman’s daughter. Jesus returns from Tyre and Sidon and heals a man who couldn’t hear or speak.

Mark 8 — Jesus feeds a crowd of greater than 4,000 with seven loaves of bread and a few small fish. The Pharisees demand a sign from Jesus. Jesus teaches his disciples to be aware of the teaching of the Pharisees and Herod. He and his disciples arrive in Bethsaida and Jesus heals a blind man. Jesus and his disciples go to the villages of Caesarea Philippi and Peter says that Jesus is the Christ—the Messiah. Jesus then tells his disciples that he will be killed and then rise again from the dead. Then he told those listening that if someone wanted to come after him they needed to pick up their cross and follow him.

Mark 9 — Jesus says that some of his disciples and those listening would remain alive to see the kingdom of God come with power. He takes Peter, James, and John up on a mountain and is transfigured before them. When the three and Jesus get back to the disciples Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit. Jesus again teaches his disciples that he must die and then be raised from the dead. They arrive in Capernaum and he tells them that the first must be last. John asks Jesus about others casting out demons in Jesus’ name and Jesus says that anyone not against them is for them. Jesus then teaches on temptation to sin.