New Testament Outline: Mark 4-6

Mark 4 — Jesus is teaching beside the sea and he tells the parable of the sower. Jesus then explains the purpose for telling parables, and then he explains the parable of the sower. Before telling a couple more parables Jesus talks about a lamp and a basket. Jesus then tells several parables in a row including the parable of the seed growing and the parable of the mustard seed. In the evening Jesus gets into a boat with his disciples and then calms a storm.

Mark 5 — Jesus and his disciples come to the Gerasenes and he heals a man with a demon and then the people beg Jesus to leave. Jesus uses a boat to cross to the other side and there he heals a woman who had been bleeding for a long time and Jairus’s daughter.

Mark 6 — Jesus leaves and goes to his hometown and the people who know him reject him. Then Jesus sends out his twelve apostles two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. Herod kills John the Baptist because of a promise he made during a party he threw. The apostles return to Jesus and they go to a desolate place and then Jesus feeds over five thousand people with five loaves and two fish. Right after that Jesus has his disciples get into a boat and he meets them out on the water by walking on it. After he and the apostles get to the other side Jesus heals the sick in Gennesaret.