A Bible Reading Option for 2020

Isn’t it amazing to think about the fact that you can open a Bible at home, on break at work, on your phone while your standing in line at the store and in that same moment be reading the very words of God?

What God has done for us with the Bible is not unlike what he did for us through the birth of Jesus. On Christmas we celebrate the truth that God stepped down into creation in the person of the Son. Matthew tells us that at that point in history God was “with us” like never before. God is also “with us” through the Bible he’s given. He did not have to give us written revelation of himself. No one was demanding that God take this step. He did it because he is love and he has set his love upon us. Therefore, my plea to you is to pick up and read.

In 2020 The Gospel Coalition is beginning what they’re calling TGC’s “Read the Bible” Initiative, which allows anyone to participate by following a particular Bible reading plan for the next year. The “Read the Bible” initiative incorporates a Bible reading plan established by the 19th century minister, Robert Murray M’Cheyne, which takes you through the entire Bible in a year (including the Psalms and New Testament twice). You can download and print a copy of the plan here or you can follow that reading plan on your phone or tablet. Along with following the plan there will be a daily newsletter, a podcast, and online Bible and theology articles throughout the year.

I encourage you to check out the TGC “Read the Bible Initiative” link above and make the decision to commit to reading the Bible through in 2020.