Free to Follow

Paul wrote...For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Galatians 5.13

Freedom is a tricky thing. Freedom means we have a choice. We can choose to go back to that which leads to death and engage in the lifestyle that Jesus lived and died to free us from. That lifestyle is not really life at all it is death. If I offer myself to the desires of my flesh I become a slave to that lifestyle. 

However in our freedom we can also choose to offer ourselves to God to serve him and others in love.

The weird part is that we will choose. Either passively, by not making an overt choice. Or, we will choose proactively. 

There are no get rich quick schemes. Wealth is built by making wise choices with resources over a long period of time. A life that is worth living is built in a similar way, by making the choice to offer myself to God as his servant. I often see people who experience the euphoria of experiencing Jesus Christ. It is wonderful to watch. The danger comes by not connecting this newfound freedom to developing this relationship and offering myself to serve others in love. 

You are free to follow and free to walk away. Chose through the freedom and power of Jesus Christ right now to turn from the old and embrace the new. That is freedom!