How free is free?


Paul writes the words above in Galatians 5. My question is, 'How free is free?' The context is free from the Law of Moses. In Christ we have died to the Old Covenant and are now living in a new covenant. This New Covenant has provision and promises that far exceed those of the Old. The work of Christ to free us from the Old was complete, lacking nothing. 

So, why do I hear and see so many followers of Jesus Christ still striving to live under the Old?

Part of the Good News is that we are now free. May we embrace this freedom. May we live in this freedom. 

The answer to the above question is, completely free!

May you ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you through His Word what this freedom looks like when lived out. May you then put on this freedom and wear it with all humility knowing what this freedom cost and how glorious it is to wear it.