Be Transformed in 2016

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:1).

I am inviting you to be transformed in 2016. Specifically, to be transformed by the renewal of your mind. I invite you to join with me in having our minds repaired, fixed-up, polished, and even made new in 2016. Then, because of the renewal of our minds, to be transformed. I invite you to join me in heeding what Paul has himself invited his readers to do in Romans 12:1. Be transformed. Renew your mind. Know the will of God!

The question then is, "Well, how do I renew my mind and be transformed?" 

Read the Bible. 

There are other means by which we may have a renewed mind and thus be transformed but reading the Bible is definitely one of them -- a monumentally important one. Read the Bible every day in 2016. Devour the Bible. Pray and ask that God, if he would be pleased to do so, would set your heart to feast on the Bible in 2016 and then feast on it. Don't let a day go by without pulling up a chair to the table and eating until you are full. Make the Bible the foundation for your life in 2016.
Read the Bible before you sleep.
Read the Bible when you wake.
Read the Bible instead of watching TV.
Read the Bible instead of reading something else.
Read the Bible before dinner.
Read the Bible to your family. 
Read the Bible believing that the Holy Spirit -- God himself -- speaking to you through his inspired word will open up a world to you that you did not see before. God will renew your mind through his word. Incline yourself to this blessing and thus be transformed.