Of all the things Jesus said to get himself in trouble with the religious leaders of his day (“Your sins are forgiven”, “Before Moses was, I am”, “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath”, etc.) what he said in John 10:30 might have been the topper.
‘The Gospel’ According to Romans 1:16
In Defense of the New Living Translation... And English Translations in General
Several years ago I watched a pretty intense and illuminating debate on the Trinity between two people who (obviously) did not share the same belief. One believed the God who revealed himself within the Scriptures revealed himself as triune (i.e., the Trinity). The other manifestly believed he did not. For him, God is “one”—case closed (i.e., Unitarian).
Passion Week: Saturday - The "In-Between"
Passion Week: Friday - The Beginning of the End
If the beginning of the end wasn’t when Jesus rode into Jerusalem as a king, it most assuredly was when Judas brought a crowd to arrest him. From that point forward Jesus would no longer walk freely throughout the land with his disciples. From here on out he’d be bound, either by chains or by nails to a cross.