Mother's Day

No Patience for Blasphemy

I don’t remember much about the day, but I remember the car ride.

I’m not sure exactly how old I was. All I know is I was old enough to be in the front seat, but not yet old enough to leave the seatbelt at the standard height. I had to adjust it lower so it wouldn’t scratch my neck. I was riding with my mom and we were going somewhere. Where, I can’t recall. I do, however, remember the radio was on and the music was turned up. I liked most of the music my mom liked: rock and roll. Perhaps even some classic heavy metal—depending on the band and how “heavy” it was. I still like it. She does, too. And that made rocking out in the car easy, and a must. As my mom drove and the tunes played on, there came a song now infamous for the moment I haven’t forgotten.