
The Trinitarian Shape of the Resurrection

Since God is triune, there is a trinitarian shape to everything he does. It doesn’t matter if it’s creation, his revelation to the world, the cross, or Scripture; it has the fingerprints of the Trinity all over it. The same can be said for the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. If we look at the resurrection as if it exists apart from the Trinity, we’ll inevitably misunderstand something at the core of the event.

Who raised Jesus from the dead?

It All Hinges on the Resurrection

Without the resurrection we have nothing.

If Christ did not rise bodily from the grave after being put to death on the cross, our faith is worth nothing. We would be a pitiable bunch hanging our hope upon something that is nothing more than fantasy. All the Apostles, all the disciples, all the New Testament authors, all of those in our day who identify themselves based on the person of Jesus Christ would be wasting their time—giving it to something void of all real meaning—if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead.