Passion Week: Behold the Man

In the next few days, churches all over the world will begin to think about, preach on, and celebrate Passion Week. That is, the last week of Jesus’s life on earth (until his return).

It’s admittedly an odd time in the Christian calendar.

Palm Sunday is big. Loads of churches will be handing out palm branches for service that morning to commemorate Jesus’s entrance into Jerusalem. Maundy Thursday (for years, when I was younger, I thought it was called Monday Thursday…and that didn’t make sense to me) will be celebrated (though, not as widely as Palm Sunday) as the time when Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper and washed his disciples’ feet. Then there’s Good Friday (the prelude to the day for Christians—Easter), a time when we often think about how this day came to be celebrated as good.

Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.

What about those other days, though? What was Jesus doing during his last week of life on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday? And what in the world was going on on Saturday, that sort of “in-between” time?

The short answer is: a lot.

The longer answer will be contained in the next seven brief articles (once a day starting Sunday, April 2) where I will try to help us consider what Jesus was up to during his final week and what that might mean for how we see him. In short, I’d like us to behold the man, as Pilate famously said to the crowd itching to get rid of Jesus.

So, come along with me as we behold Jesus by following him through the last week of his life.