Introduction to New Testament Greek with Kevin

Years ago I worked in landscaping. And over a few summers I got to lend a hand in installing new lawns, putting a lot of plants and trees in the ground, and building things like brick paver patios and retaining walls. Our specialty was boulder retaining walls. These things were impressive and they should last a long, long time.

Back then my boss would remind me that the service we were providing for people was a luxury. What he meant was that people needed to cut their grass and they needed to clean up fallen leaves, but they didn’t need a boulder retaining wall. But, oh man, a nice retaining wall is pretty cool.

That’s not unlike Greek.

We need to read our Bibles. We need to pray. We need to meet with God’s people on a regular basis. Not everyone needs to learn New Testament Greek. But, oh man, it’s pretty fun.

So, where does that leave you?

Do you need to learn Greek? No, you don’t. It may not even be a good use of your time if it gets in the way of other, more important things. But…you may want to. And, if you do, I want to help you.

Beginning March 20 I’m going to be leading a small group through an introduction to New Testament Greek, using this book, which you will need to purchase. We’ll meet one day a week (Monday evenings, from 6:30-7:30) through June 26. After that time, you will be well on your way to being able to read the New Testament, in Greek, on your own.

If you’d like to join in on the fun, please let me know.