Exploring the Bible: The Life of Jesus in the Gospels

There seems to be no end to the books that have been and will be written about Jesus. Which is, of course, what John tells us at the end of his gospel: “…I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written” (Jn. 21:25b).

What this means for us, far from it being a fruitless endeavor into the life of Jesus, is that we don’t need to go searching through all the books that have been written—and will be written someday. Instead, we can look intently at the four short stories about Jesus’s life found in the New Testament: the gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In those four short stories we’ll find enough on the life of Jesus to last us our lives.

On the evening of September 30 and the morning of October 1, Lord willing, we’ll be able to do exactly that—look intently at the life of Jesus through the four gospels. During the “Exploring the Bible” seminar for 2022, we’ll follow the stories told by the four gospel writers as they tell the story of Jesus, beginning with his birth (even the time before his birth as John tells it), his call to and the events of his public ministry, his confrontation with the religious leaders and with Rome, and his eventual death and resurrection from the dead.

I hope you’ll consider joining us for the “Exploring the Bible” seminar on “The Life of Jesus in the Gospels”.

Register for the seminar now!