A Catechism on the Nicene Creed

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Q1: In how many Gods do we believe?
A1: One.

Q2: Who is the one God in whom we believe?
A2: The Father almighty, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Q3: What has God done?
A3: He has made heaven and earth.

Q4: What is included in heaven and earth?
A4: All things visible and invisible.

Q5: Who is the Lord Jesus Christ.
A5: The only Son of God.

Q6: Was there a time when Jesus came into being?
A6: No, he has been the Father’s Son for all of eternity past.

Q7: Is Jesus less than God because is begotten from the Father?
A7: No, he is God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God.

Q8: Since Jesus is begotten, does that means he was created?
A8: No, he is begotten, not created.

Q9: Is there something different between the Father and the Son about what makes them God?
A9: No, Jesus is of the same essence as the Father.

Q10: Through whom were all things made?
A10: Jesus.

Q11: Why did Jesus leave his home in heaven?
A11: For us and for our salvation.

Q12: Why did Jesus take on human flesh?
A12: For us and for our salvation.

Q13: Who was Jesus’s mother?
A13: The virgin Mary.

Q14: What does it mean that Jesus was incarnated?
A14: He was made a real human being.

Q15: For whom Jesus crucified?
A15: His people.

Q16: Under whom was Jesus crucified?
A16: Pontius Pilate.

Q17: What happened during and after the crucifixion?
A17: Jesus suffered and then he was buried.

Q18: Did Jesus stay buried?
A18: No, he rose from the dead (according to the Scriptures) on the third day.

Q19: What happened after Jesus rose from the dead?
A19: He ascended bodily into heaven.

Q20: Where is Jesus right now?
A20: Seated at the right hand of the Father.

Q21: Will Jesus stay there forever?
A21: No, he will come again to earth with glory?

Q22: Why will Jesus come to earth again?
A22: To judge the living and the dead.

Q23: What else will Jesus do when he returns?
A23: Establish God’s kingdom that will never end.

Q24: Who is the third person of the Trinity in which we believe?
A24: The Holy Spirit.

Q25: Who is the Holy Spirit?
A25: The Lord and the giver of life.

Q26: How does the Holy Spirit exist?
A26: He has eternally proceeded from the Father and the Son.

Q27: Is it right to worship the Holy Spirit?
A27: Yes, the same worship given to the Father and the Son is to be given to the Holy Spirit.

Q28: How did the prophets speak to God’s people?
A28: Through the Holy Spirit.

Q29: In what church do we believe?
A29: The universal and apostolic church?

Q30: What is baptism?
A30: A symbolic representation of an actual reality of someone dying to their old life and being raised to new life.

Q31: Why do we baptize believers?
A31: To show that they have been forgiven by God.

Q32: To what do we look forward?
A32: The resurrection of the dead and life in the world to come.