What John Bunyan Says About the Heart of Jesus Toward Sinners

Commenting on John 6:37, “All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.” John Bunyan wrote this as he described the heart of Jesus toward sinners.

But I am a great sinner, say you.
“I will never cast you out,” says Christ.

But I am an old sinner, say you.
“I will never cast you out,” says Christ.

But I am a hard-hearted sinner, say you.
“I will never cast you out,” says Christ.

But I am a backsliding sinner, say you.
“I will never cast you out,” says Christ.

But I have served satan all my days, say you.
“I will never cast you out,” says Christ.

But I have sinned against light, say you.
“I will never cast you out,” says Christ.

But I have sinned against mercy, say you.
“I will never cast you out,” says Christ.

But I have no good thing to bring with me, say you.
“I will never cast you out,” says Christ.

What objection do we have left?