A Moment on the Scriptures: "Don't be afraid..."

He figured he was dead when the risen Jesus appeared before him.

John’s life was as good as over when he was exiled to live out the rest of his days alone on the island of Patmos. What was he supposed to do by himself? Was this somehow a curse of God? How could God have abandoned him to this sort of fate?

Then comes the revelation.

John was witness to the living, risen Jesus on the island with him. It was miraculous, but it wasn’t without fear. John, himself, tells us what he was thinking and feeling as he saw Jesus.

“And when I saw him, I fell to his feet as dead, and he placed his right hand on me saying:” (Rev. 1:17, MT).

Like those of old who had angels appear before them, John thought his life was over when Jesus appeared before him. This, however, was not the case. Instead of dying, John feels the hand of Jesus on him. But this isn’t the end of his encounter.

John is afraid. And Jesus is going to deal with that.

As Jesus places his hand on John, he says to him: “Do not be afraid.”

Why? Why shouldn’t John be afraid?

Thankfully, Jesus continues and gives us the reasons why: “I am the first and the last and the one who is living, and I was dead and behold, I am the one who is living forever and ever and I have the keys of death and of hades” (Rev. 1:17b-18, MT).

Notice, first, what Jesus does not say to alleviate John’s fear. He doesn’t point John to the world, nor does he point John to John.

Instead, Jesus eases John’s fear by speaking to who he (Jesus) is.

Jesus is the first and the last.
Jesus is alive.
Jesus was dead, but now he is alive forever.
Jesus has the keys of death.
And, Jesus has the keys of hades.

The reasons for John to not be afraid then, remain the same for us now. Jesus was the hope for John, and he remains our hope today.