A Moment on the Scriptures: "Happy is the one who..."

Everyone wants to be happy. The problem is: we often forget how to be happy.

Thankfully, the Bible is nowhere near silent on this question—especially in Psalm 1.

In Psalm 1, the psalmist writes: “How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers! Instead, his delight is in the Lord’s instruction, and he meditates on it day and night.” (Psalm 1:1-2, CSB)

It’s clear from the text that the happy person does not do some things and does do some other things. Let’s look at what the happy person does not do first.

  1. The happy person does not walk in the advice of the wicked.
    In other words, the one who wants to be happy ignores the teaching or instruction given by the wicked.

  2. The happy person does not stand in the pathway with sinners.
    In other words, the one who wants to be happy does not follow the direction of life marked out by sinners.

  3. The happy person does not sit in the company of mockers.
    In other words, the one who wants to be happy does not find themselves surrounded by those who like mock and make a mockery of life.

Notice the progression, as well, for the one who wants to be happy: walking, standing, sitting. It’s a progression of settledness. It’s a progression of giving one’s life over to a set pattern of living.

On the positive side, to wrap things up, happy person is not just avoiding certain activities; he or she are actively doing something. Specifically, they are delighting in Yahweh’s instruction and teaching and meditating on that which they are delighting.

Notice the wordplay there with the happy person delighting in something.

The happy person is finding joy in what God has revealed to them through his word and that joy is making them happy. 

You and I want to be happy. So, let us joyously take up what God has said and meditate on his word.