New Testament Outline: Matthew 25-28

Matthew 25 — Jesus tells the parable of the ten virgins and the parable of the talents. Then Jesus teaches his disciples about the final judgment.

Matthew 26 — After Jesus finishes teaching his disciples he tells them that he will be crucified. As Jesus and his disciples are in the house of Simon the leper, a woman anoints him. Judas meets with the chief priests about handing Jesus over to them. Jesus celebrates the Passover with his disciples and says that one of them will betray him. He establishes the Lord’s Supper. Jesus and the disciples go to the Mount of Olives and he says that Peter will deny him. Then he and the disciples go to Gethsemane and Jesus goes off to pray by himself. After his time in prayer, Judas and a great crowd from the chief priests confront Jesus and the disciples. They arrest Jesus and bring him to Caiaphas and the council. Peter denies Jesus.

Matthew 27 — Jesus is sent to Pilate. Judas regrets that he handed Jesus over, turns in the money, and hangs himself. Pilate questions Jesus and the crowd chooses to free Barabbas, a notorious prisoner, instead of Jesus. Pilate sends Jesus off to be crucified. The soldiers mock Jesus on his way to be crucified. Jesus is crucified and then ridiculed by those watching. Jesus dies. After he died the curtain of the temple is torn in two, there is an earthquake, the bodies of many saints come out of the grave. Jesus is buried in a tomb belonging to Joseph of Arimathea. The next day the Pharisees talk to Pilate about making sure the tomb stays secure and nobody messes with it.

Matthew 28 — On Sunday, the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb of Jesus and found that he wasn’t there. As they run off to tell the disciples they meet the risen Jesus. Some of the guards go into the city to tell about what happened. The eleven disciples go to Galilee to a mountain and they meet and talk with Jesus. He tells them to go and make disciples.