New Testament Outline: Mark 10-12

Mark 10 — Jesus leaves and goes to Judea. There the Pharisees about divorce confront him. Some bring to children to Jesus so he could touch them. As Jesus journeys on a rich young man comes up to him and asks him about inheriting eternal life. Jesus and his disciples go up to Jerusalem and he tells them for the third time that he’s going to be killed and rise from the dead. James and John ask Jesus to sit at his right and left in his glory. He and his disciples go to Jericho and he heals a blind man there. 

Mark 11 — Jesus and his disciples go to Jerusalem and there Jesus is welcomed by many as he rides into town on a colt. The next day Jesus curses a fig tree. In Jerusalem Jesus drives out those who are perverting the temple. Jesus and his disciples walk pass the cursed fig tree and Jesus teaches about belief. The temple chief priests and scribes come to Jesus and challenge his authority to do what he’s doing.

Mark 12 — Jesus tells the parable of the tenants. Some Pharisees and Herodians go to Jesus to trap him in a question about taxes to Caesar. The Sadducees come to Jesus to ask him about things marriage in the resurrection. One of the scribes asks Jesus what he thinks is the most important commandment. Jesus teaches in the temple and asks those listening how David’s Lord can be his son. He tells them to beware of the teaching of the scribes. Jesus watches a poor widow give all that she has to the treasury.