Listen to Old Books and Sermons for Free

One of the hidden gems on the internet is no doubt LibriVox. It’s a website containing a huge number of books in the public domain that have been turned into audiobooks—audiobooks you can listen to for free. The recordings are all done (I think) by volunteers, which means the quality changes from book to book, but the books I’ve listened to have all been done well enough to enjoy.

Right now I’m listening to John Owen’s The Mortification of Sin in Believers. I was actually listening to it while I was mowing my lawn. Can you believe that? I was listening to a book written by a man from England in the 1600s on my iPhone while mowing my lawn! John Owen wrote that book by candlelight because electricity wasn’t discovered yet and I had his book read to me. It’s amazing!

My experience with LibriVox has been good so far mainly because it’s easy to use. At their homepage you can either browse their catalog or you can search by book title or author at the top of the page. As I said, I’m currently listening to John Owen, but you can search for people like Augustine of Hippo, Martin Luther, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Aquinas, Athanasius of Alexandria, Richard Baxter, or John Bunyan. If a substantial work is in the public domain, there’s a pretty good chance you can listen to it.

So, if you’re looking for something new to listen to while you mow, do the dishes, go for a run, or really anything else, this might be something for you to try.