Listen to "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"

The most famous sermon given by any puritan was probably “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” It was preached by Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) in what is now Connecticut on July 8, 1741.

The story goes that Edwards had difficulty even making it through the sermon because of how the congregation reacted. They didn’t react in offense—as some might expect—instead, they reacted as ones being convicted by the Holy Spirit and brought to repentance. They pleaded for Edwards to tell them how they could be saved. This was because they had been confronted with the truth of their sin and were coming to terms with their standing before this holy God and, at the same time, they were being confronted by that God—in Christ—and his great love for them.

I want to say more about the sermon, but I fear if I do the same thing will happen again that has happened to most when this sermon is brought up. Most hear about the sermon, but have never read it for themselves. It’s like reading a headline today without reading the rest of the article. There’s always something missing and misunderstood.

So, with that, what I want to give you is an opportunity to not read, but hear this sermon preached from beginning to end. You can do so by clicking here. Pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist, Mark Dever, introduces and then preaches the same message Edwards preached over 250 years ago.

See for yourself what Edwards had to say back then. And I pray that God would be pleased to use it for his glory and our good even today.