Classic Theology for 2021

For the past several years around this same time of the year, I’ve tried to encourage people to make a plan to read their Bibles in the coming new year. Habitual Bible reading is an invaluable part of growing in love for God and others. There are plenty of good resources out there with a large variety of Bible reading plans to help you make that a part of your upcoming year—if that’s what you choose to do.

This time around, however, I’d like to invite you into something quite a bit different. I’d like to invite you to take part in a Christian theology reading challenge. This challenge offers up 12 opportunities (one for each month of 2021) to read a piece of classic Christian theology. The writings begin in the year 180 and end in the mid 1900s. There’s no “schedule” to keep track of—so there’s no risk in “falling behind”—just a theological piece each month.

Click here for more information about the challenge. I’ve created a Google Doc with links to all the theological writings so, if you’d like to take part in the challenge, email me and I will give you access to that Google Doc.