Experiencing the Wonder of Being Knit Together by God

An answer that is often provided when conversations of existence and an ultimate cause are had is one that presents humanity as, for the moment, extremely lucky. It is said that billions of years ago hydrogen reacted in just the right way with nothing else in the universe and now we have life. Life that dreams, imagines, assembles, tells stories, loves, and sacrificesIt does seem that if the universe and all of life did come about in the manner that is most regularly taught then we would be the luckiest of all evolved beings that we know of. We have been the ones to persevere to the point of being at the top of the food chain. We win. Only, can we really say we win if we are here by chance? Chance would receive the credit for our existence and chance would be glorified for the fact that the human race has sustaining power.

Another option to this question of existence and ultimate cause is God. In an existence where an endless string of causes would need something to even render existence a possibility there would have to be the uncaused cause, or God. Now, to be clear, this uncaused cause or God is not a little-g god, this is the capital-G God – Yahweh, the great I AM, the Lord of Lords, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in perfect unity. And this personal God has spoken to us through his word and his Word. In Psalm 139, David writes, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” David’s soul knows the fact that he is not responsible for his coming into being and neither are his parents or their parents before them. He is the sole work of God.

Realizing this truth will make you stop in wonder of the glory and power of God. The power of God to make something out of nothing and the glory of God that you are reading this right now and have not yet stopped to make sure your heart beats or made a point to take the right amount of breaths to stay conscious. We need not concern ourselves with those things. Instead, we can rest alone in the reality that this God is upholding His creation by the word of his power and, because of that, we are free to wonder!