Serving - Family and Friends

Often it is easy to overlook a huge serving opportunity found right within our own home or within our circle of friends. Remember that you are a Christ follower first and a parent, child, sibling or neighbor second. With that in mind consider some of the following ideas as ways to serve your family and friends. From there branch out to others. Let them know that the reason we are doing this is because we are servants of Jesus. Family and friends are always there and often you are close enough to know what’s going on. Love them by serving them. When you look into their face, may you see the face of Christ.

  • Parents serve your children by teaching them how to be disciples of Jesus. Be proactive and do not buy the myth that this is the church’s job. The church aids parents in this endeavor.

    • Teach them discipline.

    • Give them regular jobs around the house.

    • Include them when talking to others about Jesus.

    • Take them with you when you serve.

    • Listen to them.

    • Let them be respectfully honest with you.

    • Celebrate special days together.

    • Pray for them

  • Grandparents teach your grandchildren how to be disciples.

    • Read to them.

    • Take them to a service with you.

    • Pick a service project and include them.

    • Encourage them.

    • Pray for them.

  • Include invitations to non-believing family and friends to hear about Jesus.

  • Serve them by forgiving them the wrongs they may have committed.

  • Do projects for them, even if they could hire someone else to do it.

  • Send notes/texts/etc to speak truth to them.

  • Pray for your friends and co-workers ask ing God to bless them and draw them close.

  • Be willing to endure some suffering for them.